The RV Atlas Blog

Thoughts on camping, parenting, and travel.

20 Feb
Thinking About Buying a Pop-Up Camper? Consider This…

Thinking About Buying a Pop-Up Camper? Consider This…

We often joke that buying our first pop up camper was the best and worst decision that we ever made. And it really was. It was the best decision because discovering the RVing lifestyle was a life changing series of moments for our family. It was the worst decision because we bought the wrong pop up camper. Yup, we are one of the statistics. We bought a shiny new pop up camper with all of the bells and whistles for over $10,000. What we should have bought was a used one, for maybe $2,000 or $3,000 tops. We spent way too much money only to... Read More
18 Feb
Our First Guest Bloggers! New Zealand Here They Come…

Our First Guest Bloggers! New Zealand Here They Come…

The Lively Little Campers have met several other kindred RV Travelers through this blog and we always love to hear about their adventures on the open road.  So when we found out that John and Cathy, two of our long time readers, were heading to New Zealand for an RV trip, we just knew that we had to get in on the action!  Since we aren’t able to hop on a plane and join them we decided to invite them to do some guest blogging about their trip preparations and the trip itself.  When the boys get old enough for international RV travel I... Read More
18 Feb
Filling in the Blanks: Our Guest Bloggers Head to New Zealand

Filling in the Blanks: Our Guest Bloggers Head to New Zealand

We are a couple of semi-retired teachers living in the Philadelphia suburbs. For each of our “big” anniversaries since number 25, we have taken a “big” trip. Ireland and Hawaii were enjoyed as a reward for putting up with each other. This year, for number 40, a really big trip to New Zealand is planned. Why pick New Zealand? As we mentioned in our last post, In 2002 an exchange student from New Zealand joined the track team that I coached. Her host became ill and had to cancel plans for trips over the summer. My wife... Read More
09 Feb
So Parenting Is Hard…Now What? (answer involves the great outdoors)

So Parenting Is Hard…Now What? (answer involves the great outdoors)

  I’ve been noticing something lately. The more I read the blog posts that are liked and shared and tweeted and pinned, the more I am seeing a pattern emerge. There are a lot of moms talking about being moms. Mostly they are talking to other moms. And the message seems to be something along the lines of… It’s okay. You are going to make it through this. Even though you are worn out; even though you feel wrecked. You yelled at your kids today, but you also hugged them. They threw a wild temper tantrum in the middle of... Read More
03 Feb
For Sun and Mud, Thank You Island Beach State Park

For Sun and Mud, Thank You Island Beach State Park

It was messy and it was fabulous.   We were lucky enough to get some off-season inspiration from a reader, who urged us to head down to the nature center at Island Beach State Park the next time we were hit with some winter wanderlust.     This morning, citing a 45 degree forecast as sufficient reason for playing hooky from church, we went to the place that we love in the summer but have never explored in the winter.     It is always the simple things that grab the fancy of the young, and the boys could have played... Read More
14 Jan
Grounds for Sculpture: Why Haven’t You Been There?

Grounds for Sculpture: Why Haven’t You Been There?

      Let’s get the important part out of the way first. You need to go to the Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, NJ. Immediately. And then you should go back many, many times like we are planning on doing with our new, sweet membership. I had thought quite a few times over the past two years about visiting the grounds with our rowdy crew, but something about it made me nervous. Maybe the pictures on the website looked a bit too peaceful, like there was a respectful hush cast over the place that we would immediately... Read More
11 Jan
Where’s Your Winter Wander-land? Breaking out of the Cabin…

Where’s Your Winter Wander-land? Breaking out of the Cabin…

We’ve been in a deep freeze up here in the NorthEast and, if your children are anything like mine, things are starting to get a little loopy in the house. I measure my boys’ pent up energy in karate chops per minute and the number has been rising rapidly. So when I saw the forecast for tomorrow, I got excited. It is so easy to settle into ‘inside mode’ during the winter. You can forget that 50 degrees actually feels quite comfortable if you are bundled up and the sun is shining.   Jeremy and I watch our weekend... Read More

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